Japanese Guests of Honor
2025 Japanese Guests of Honor
Autograph Policies
These policies apply to our Japanese Guests of Honor.
Please read this in its entirety before signing up for a session.
Each guest will have two autograph sessions throughout the weekend. Each session will have a limited number of free tickets available for reservation through Eventeny.
How to Reserve Tickets
At 6:00 PM CST on February 19, 2025, links to Eventeny for each autograph session will be posted on this web page. 60 Priority tickets will be available for each session. After Priority tickets are depleted, an additional session will become available consisting of 100 Standby tickets at 6:15 PM CST.
Only 1 ticket may be selected per session. You will not be able to check out with multiple tickets for a single session. All individuals require their own ticket to attend the autograph session. It is encouraged to only attempt to checkout with one session at a time, as tickets may sell out in the time it takes to add multiple.
Tickets are non-transferrable, and can only be used by the original registrant.
How to Attend a Session
If you reserve a ticket, you may attend the autograph session specified. Please note that tickets cannot be used for other days or times than that listed.
You may line up no more than 1 hour before the session begins. Check in with the Autograph Hall staff, who will scan your ticket and guide you to the correct line.
Priority ticket holders will be seen first and queued at the Guest’s table.
Standby ticket holders will queue in the Overflow section. If time allows, attendees will be transferred to the Priority line in the order of arrival.
All autographs must be personalized. The name of the personalization may NOT be the name of the character.
NO photos or videos are allowed with or of our Japanese Guests of Honor. Attendees found to be breaking this rule risk expulsion from the Autograph Hall and/or revocation of their badge and expulsion from the convention.
No Gifts. Japanese Guests of Honor are not accepting gifts during their autograph sessions.
AMKE VIP Badge holders are not entitled to any special privileges during these signings. A VIP badge alone does NOT allow you into any signings, you must acquire a ticket for any desired session. There will be no skip the line privileges for VIP at these sessions.
Groups are not permitted. The sessions are strictly one person per ticket.
Accessibility Exception: Attendees who require assistance may bring one helper, but the helper may not receive an autograph unless they also have a ticket. Please check with Autograph Hall staff for assistance.
Allowed Items:
Official Merchandise. This may include anime slipcovers, manga, figures, official posters, etc.
Shikishi (Autograph Boards)
Your AMKE 2025 Badge.
Additional items at the discretion of the Guest.
Prohibited Items:
Unofficial Merchandise. This includes fanart and bootlegs.
Funko Pops. NO Funko Pops will be eligible for signing.
No plain sheets of plastic are eligible for signing.
Ahegao and other similarly sexually graphic or pornographic items.