AMKE is committed to equal access for all. If you or a loved one requires accommodations, we will be happy to provide reasonable accommodations to make your experience at our event as enjoyable as possible. Anyone requiring accommodations will be provided assistance, along with their designated handler/helper/assistant. Designated handlers must have their own valid convention badge. If attending an 18+ event, the designated handler must also be at least 18 years old.
Obtaining Accessibility Accommodations
If you require any accommodations at AMKE we encourage you to obtain an accessibility indicator for your badge. The accessibility indicator is provided in the form of a wristband.
To obtain the accommodations wristband at Anime Milwaukee, please visit Attendee Services or the Managers Station in Registration during registration hours. To obtain a wristband after hours, please visit the Safety office. You do not need this wristband to request accommodations. However this is a simple way to indicate to staff members discreetly that you may need additional assistance.
To request accommodations, please approach any AMKE staff member and let them know that you need accommodations. Generally, it is recommended to look for a staff member that works in the department that you are requesting accommodations for as they can best be able to assist, but you are able to ask any AMKE staff member and they will be able to find someone to assist.
Registration Line Access
Our registration area has priority access for anyone who may be unable to stand in our registration lines for extended periods of time. If you need priority access through our registration lines, please utilize the Manager Station line instead of the regular registration lines and our management and Attendee Services team will assist you.
General Accommodations
All activity and panel rooms have wheelchair spaces; smaller rooms have at least one such space, and larger rooms have multiple spaces. We also provide advanced seating and/or line assistance for those with disabilities and their companions at all main programming events. Please ask staffers in the area for available accommodations.
Wheelchair spaces and advanced seating are available on a first-come, first-served basis. In order for us to guarantee space is available, please arrive or notify us at least 15 minutes in advance. For the most popular events like Masquerade, please notify us at least 30 minutes in advance.
Additional reasonable accommodations not listed above will also be provided on request, based on need. We may not be able to accommodate every aspect of every disability, but we’ll make every effort to ensure you have the best convention experience possible.
Mobility Scooters, Wheelchairs, and Other Mobility Aids
We regret that we are unable to provide scooters, wheelchairs, or other mobility aids. However, you may rent one through mobility companies that are local to the Milwaukee area. For more information, please see the article Where can I rent a mobility scooter/wheelchair?
ASL Interpreters
Anime Milwaukee does not provide ASL interpreters but those in need of an interpreter may email registration@animemilwaukee.org and we will provide one free badge for the interpreter to attend the convention with you.
Accommodations in the Autographs Hall
Please check our Autographs page for more info.
Quiet Rooms
We also offer two quiet rooms to get away from the busy convention hubbub. These rooms are designed to be quiet spaces for anyone who needs to use them, and are accessible 24 hours a day.
Room S101A, Baird Center, first floor
Miller, Hilton Milwaukee City Center, fourth floor
Service Animals
Trained service animals are welcome in sleeping rooms, common areas, and convention space. Pets and emotional support animals are strictly prohibited on the convention floor, however.
Service animals, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), are animals that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Beginning on March 15, 2011, only dogs are registered as service animals under Titles II and III of the ADA, the exceptions to this rule are miniature ponies who are grandfathered in if they were working prior to the March 15, 2011 date. Service animals are allowed to accompany their handlers anywhere that members of the public are allowed to go, including all areas of the convention center.
Handlers of service animals are responsible for the care and supervision of their animals and must ensure that their animals do not disrupt the convention or pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others. Service animals are not required to be licensed, nor is the owner required to disclose the reason for the accommodation. When asked, an owner may simply explain that the animal is a service animal and is performing work for medical purposes.
Hilton Milwaukee City Center Accommodations
Our official convention hotel is the Hilton Milwaukee City Center. For more information about the physical features of accessible rooms, common areas, or special services relating to a specific disability, please contact them directly at 414-271-7250.
For more information regarding Accessibility at Anime Milwaukee, please see our Accessibility FAQs or email accessibility@animemilwaukee.org.
AMKE acknowledges our friends at Colorado Anime Fest in Denver, CO, for their assistance with this policy. Used and revised with permission.