Anime Milwaukee will no longer be sponsoring free signing sessions; all autographs will be paid sessions going forward. Anime Milwaukee does not, and can not guarantee that you will receive an autograph from a Guest during the convention.
General Policy & Pricing
Guests reserve the right to refuse to autograph anything based on their own, individual discretion. Furthermore, autographs are on a first-come, first-served basis within the scheduled time. You are not guaranteed an autograph.
Guests are free to charge for their items at their own discretion. AMKE is not responsible for setting individual Guest prices. Please speak to the Guest or their assistant for questions regarding at-table purchases.
Autograph signing hours are at the discretion of the Guest. As we are no longer sponsoring free signing sessions, the Guest will determine their signing schedule. While there may be posted signing sessions in Guidebook, they are subject to change at any time.
Gifts for Guests
Guests may accept or refuse gifts at their discretion. Any consumables, whether pre-packaged or homemade, are not allowed under any circumstances. Please be considerate of the Guests and remember they meet hundreds of attendees over the weekend and have extremely limited suitcase space. Anything larger than approximately the size of a tennis ball is unlikely to make it home with them.
Be Courteous
Waiting in line is not the most enjoyable thing to do, but please be patient. Autographs Staff will do their very best to get as many people through the lines. Please be courteous and understanding to those around you, whether to fellow attendees, staff or our esteemed Guests. Autograph policies may be adjusted to help the line flow as deemed necessary. If there are any questions, you are always welcome to ask Autographs Staff. For the health and safety of all, please respect the personal space of Guests, staff members and fellow attendees while in line and while receiving autographs.
VIP Badge Holders
Attendees with the VIP badge tier are eligible to skip the line once per guest*. VIP will have a separate queue for Guests that will alternate with the queue for general attendees, so a short wait is still to be expected.
Upon entering the Autograph Hall, check in at the table located at the entrance of the room. A staff member will assist and escort you to the line of your choosing. If you wish to see additional guests, you must return to the front desk and repeat the previous steps.
* Please note the following:
Skip the line privileges may only be used once per guest for the duration of the convention, in order to ensure fairness for all attendees.
You may not transfer a skip the line privilege from one guest to another guest, nor transfer the privilege to other attendees.
Guests of Honor with an assigned time session or Japanese Guests of Honor may not have a skip the line privilege.
Banned Items
Ahegao and other similarly sexually graphic or pornographic items are not allowed to be autographed.
Video / Audio Recording
Video and audio requests are handled on a guest-by-guest basis and is up to their discretion.
Accessibility Accommodations
When you arrive at the Autographs Hall, present your badge with your Accessibility Needs indicator, obtainable from the Attendee Services team, to one of the Autograph Staff members.
A staff member will escort you and up to one companion to the center of the hall, which will be dedicated to our Accessibility/ADA attendees, serving as a waiting queue, resting spot, and information desk for any questions. Additional chairs are available near the entrance for those waiting on other members of their party to finish their time in the hall.
If there is a line for your desired Guest of Honor, you will not be required to stand in line. Instead, you and up to one companion will be offered a seat in the ADA waiting area. You will receive a labelled-card with your guest's name and the time you should expect to see them. Once that time is reached, a volunteer will escort you to the front of the line. If you wish to see additional guests, this process will repeat.
Once all the desired autographs have been obtained, please exit the room to allow for appropriate opportunities for other Accessibility/ADA attendees. If a line cut is to occur due to demand or time constraints, individuals who have a seat in the room will not be cut from the line.