Press Registration Guidelines
We are excited to invite media partners and community members to join us for the 2025 Anime Milwaukee (AMKE) convention!
Press access is a privilege and is limited to active media outlets and qualified members of the media intending to provide press coverage of Anime Milwaukee. Press members may be freelance, employees of media outlets, or members of student news organizations.
At-convention press registration will be permitted this year at Anime Milwaukee; however, we highly encourage you take advantage of pre-registration. Press badges are not eligible for mailing and will be available only by pick-up in the Press Registration office.
Priority will be given to national, regional, and local affiliates, with fan media passes distributed in order of prominence and relevance.
Organization/Publication Qualification
Individuals registering for press badges must represent a legitimate publication or media company that has been active within the past 3 months and in operation for 2 years or more.
Anime Milwaukee will be accepting web-based, broadcast, and print media publications. Freelance photographers and documentary film or video makers do not qualify for press badges as they are not circulation media.
Social media pages or groups are not by themselves recognized by Anime Milwaukee as a primary outlet for reporting on our event; your associated publication must be one of the accepted media types on our form.
New for 2025:
Tiered access: Qualified outlets will have Guest of Honor interview opportunities. These interviews will require a formal submission to the Guest of Honor for approval and questions submitted in advance.
Credential Guidelines
All press applicants are expected to provide the following credentials to validate themselves as a member of a press outlet. Failure to supply our requirements will result in denied badges.
Business card to be presented on-site when picking up your badge(s)
Letter of introduction and intent on your publication’s or school's letterhead
Circulation numbers or web traffic statistics
Responsibility Fulfillment Requirements
All final, publicly-published reporting must be submitted upon release for archiving, marketing, and quality control assessments. All submissions must be made by (Date TDB, approximately one month after the convention).
We encourage pre-convention hype publicity and have prepared Media Kits available upon request for those interested in providing pre-event promotion. If you plan on promoting our event via social media or otherwise prior to it taking place, please indicate your interest in receiving one on the form or send a request via email to Press@AnimeMilwaukee.org.
By filling out the Press Registration form you are agreeing to sign up for the press release mailing list so that you will be the first to know when something new is coming in for Anime Milwaukee.
Press Room Location and Hours
Press Registration: Walker– 4th Floor of the Hilton Milwaukee City Center
Press Interviews: Pabst– 4th Floor of the Hilton Milwaukee City Center
Office Hours
Friday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Hours are subject to change and outlets will be notified if they are modified.
Quality Control and Follow-up
Press Department staff will be performing post-convention follow-up with all attending publications. Staff will review all convention reporting to determine that services or coverage provided was performed in equal to or excess of the cost of convention badge(s) to Anime Milwaukee. Number of badges per publication will be a factor in the assessment. Those who have been determined as providing insufficient coverage will either have to meet additional criteria or be denied press access in future years.
We value fair and constructive criticism of our event and we do not censor appropriate, accurate reports. We offer select members of the media complimentary access as an industry courtesy. Negatively-biased, non-constructive coverage of our event may result in denial of press access to our event in future years.
Online publications will be shared on both our website and our social media as our thanks for your coverage. We welcome donations of any raw photos and videos for archiving and marketing purposes. Any materials provided will be appropriately accredited if used.
Video and Audio Recording
Please check with event organizers of panels prior to recording audio or visual content. Some panels, such as 18+ events, may have restrictions against doing so. Press are required to honor any requests to cease recording by panel organizers or staff.
Reserved Seating Policy
Certain events are highly attended and space is limited. Depending on the event, locations may be available for the setup of tripods and cameras. Areas are subject to availability and space is given solely at the discretion of the Anime Milwaukee function space room supervisor. Any reserved press seating is provided as a courtesy and is not guaranteed.
The masquerade will have limited seating. Press members who do not register in advance for this event in the press office may forfeit the opportunity to have reserved seating.
Musical Guests
Rights to visual, audio, or other recording of musical entertainment content held at Anime Milwaukee are governed by said entertainer's agent and Anime Milwaukee honors their requirements. This information will be made available at the time of press badge pick-up. Any violation to these requirements will be responded to with severe and potential legal action by Anime Milwaukee and the representing label.
Video and Audio Recording
Please check with event organizers of panels prior to recording audio or visual content. Some panels, such as 18+ events, may have restrictions against doing so. Press are required to honor any requests to cease recording by panel organizers or staff.
Your Rights and Information
Anime Milwaukee does not make public, sell, or distribute any contact information provided. Your information is for internal use by Anime Milwaukee management only, unless otherwise stated.
Press membership does NOT qualify a member of the press for preferential treatment at any event over the course of the convention, including autograph sessions.
Certain Anime Milwaukee guests may require you to provide information to participate in their press session. Such information will be acquired from you by the guest's agent either in advance via email or at the convention.
Abuse of Press Privileges
Abuse of press privileges reported to the Press Department is grounds for having press membership and Anime Milwaukee membership revoked. Please conduct yourself responsibly at all times. Violation of any of these arrangements may disqualify requests for covering or attending Anime Milwaukee in the future or indefinitely.
If a person feels that their membership is revoked unjustly, they may discuss it with the Press Department Manager and/or the Communications Division Director. The revocation of membership is a last resort and the Press Department will do all we can to be certain that members of the press understand the results of any action.
Please do not hesitate to ask if there is some part of these policies you do not understand. Members of the press may direct any questions/disputes regarding these policies to the Press Department Manager.
Anime Milwaukee reserves the right to modify our rules and regulations at any time without prior notice and may deny you a press badge for any reason. Submitting the Press Registration form does not guarantee you a press badge for Anime Milwaukee.
Please contact the Press Department Manager at Press@AnimeMilwaukee.org if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Submission of the Press Registration form indicates an understanding and acceptance of the Press Rules and Regulations for Anime Milwaukee 2025 as described above.
This Year’s Press Outlets
Previous Press Outlets: