Code of Conduct
At Anime Milwaukee, we strive to create an inclusive and respectful space where everyone can celebrate their love of anime, gaming, and pop culture. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all, we ask attendees to embrace the following principles:
Respect and Kindness
Treat everyone with courtesy and consideration, regardless of their background, identity, or interests.
Harassment, hate speech, or any form of discriminatory behavior has no place here.
Respect personal boundaries—ask for consent before touching, photographing, or filming others.
Safety and Responsibility
Keep your actions safe for yourself and those around you.
Report any unsafe conditions, harassment, or concerning behavior to AMKE Safety.
Follow staff directions promptly and respectfully to help maintain a safe environment.
Integrity and Honesty
Respect the property, work, and time of others.
Do not steal, vandalize, or disrupt the event or its attendees.
Represent yourself truthfully—counterfeit badges or dishonest claims will not be tolerated.
Inclusivity and Community
Anime Milwaukee is for everyone. Celebrate diversity and the shared love of fandoms with kindness and acceptance.
Be mindful of how your actions may affect others. A positive environment starts with you.
Respect the shared spaces of the venue—leave them as clean and welcoming as you found them.
Take responsibility for your actions. If you make a mistake, own up to it and take steps to make it right.
Understand that violations of this Code of Conduct may result in consequences, including removal from the convention.
Anime Milwaukee is built on a foundation of fun, creativity, and respect. Together, let’s make this an event to remember—for all the right reasons. If you have questions or concerns, contact us at safety@animemilwaukee.org or speak with AMKE Safety staff at the convention.