Updates From the Con Chair

Dear AMKE Community,

We recently received feedback from our community about our summer sale, and we want to address it directly and openly.

Last year, we promised to have more sales to make memberships more affordable for everyone, especially those who might otherwise struggle to join us. We chose Juneteenth as an opportunity to celebrate and support the members of our Black community, offering a discount to commemorate this significant day while delivering on our promise to make membership affordable when and where we could. However, we understand that our intentions may have been misunderstood, and for that, we are truly sorry. We are committed to learning from this and improving how we approach sales in the future.

This sale was suggested and organized by our registration manager, who is Black, and was approved by our executive team, which includes members who are also Black. We are proud of the diverse community we've fostered at AMKE and deeply value the perspectives of those from marginalized groups within our leadership.

Our executive team is currently reviewing the proceeds from this sale to determine the best way to give back. We are actively seeking guidance from our Black team members on how we can support them and their community in a meaningful way.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work through this. We are committed to doing better and appreciate your continued support.

Warm regards,

Kris Lugo

Convention Chair


Exhibit Hall and Artist Alley Applications Open June 15th!