Hilton Milwaukee City Center Update

We received word from the Hilton that a booking error on their side mistakenly allowed additional double-bedded rooms than available. This has resulted in the need to cancel a number of reservations. All other hotels in our block at this time have available occupancy. Working with our host hotels, the Saint Kate hotel has offered to reduce their price to meet the $139/night rate that the Hilton offered.

If you do not receive a cancellation email from the Hilton and have a reservation there, you are not impacted and no action needs to be taken. If you do receive the below message on December 20, 2021, you will need to book a room at another one of our host hotels. We apologize for the inconvenience, but wanted to let you know as soon as we were aware so that new accommodations can be made.

Below is the email that will be sent to anyone affected by this and booked after the block was actually full.

Good Afternoon,

We regret to inform you that due to a system interruption more double-bedded rooms were sold in February of 2022 for Anime Milwaukee than Hilton Milwaukee offers.

As a result, your reservation has been cancelled. Please revisit the Anime Milwaukee Hotel page here, to book a room at an alternate hotel that will meet your needs.

We recommend checking out Saint Kate – the Arts Hotel. Rooms with two queen beds are currently available, however only at a limited quantity for the same $139/night (plus tax) room rate.

Please accept our sincerest apologies.

If you meanwhile have any additional questions and have a reservation at the Hilton Milwaukee City Center, please refer to your confirmation email received on the booking to contact the hotel.


Holiday Badge Sale


Guest Announcement: Alan Evans