Charity Ball

The ECPS Charity Ball is BACK for 2023! This year, it will be in a new bigger room with proceeds to benefit the Milwaukee Public Library Foundation. The charity ball is hosted by our board of directors and provides both a unique dance experience and an opportunity for you, our congoers, to make an impact on our community.

When: Friday, February 3rd at 8:00PM-11:00PM

Where: Empire Ballroom at the Hilton Milwaukee


  • Music: Combination of - Top 40, Oldies, Ballroom, Modern EDM and Dance Music

  • Host/Entertainment: Jason “DJ Liquid86” MC and DJ

  • Cost in Addition to Con Badge: $10 (all of which is passed directly to designated charity)

  • Age Restriction: 18+ (21+ to Drink- Cash Bar Available)

  • Formal Attire/Cosplay Required – Masquerade Mask Encouraged


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